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Twitter Groups!
What is Twitter Groups?
Twitter Groups allows you to tag your followers into different groups. Then you can send a message to those groups without needing to send the message to each person one at a time!
How to use Twitter Groups!
- Step 1: Follow twgroups on Twitter.
- Step 2: Register!
- Step 3: Import or Add your followers.
- Step 4: Create some Groups.
- Step 5: Assign your followers to groups on the Followers or Groups pages.
- Step 6: Send Group Messages!
- Step 7: Tell your friends!
I am happy to hear feedback.
Things that are working:
- Create and manage groups
- Manage your followers
- Assign followers to groups
- Assign groups to followers
- Group Message: send a message to group(s) you have created
- Error checking/reporting when sending messages
- Character counts for messages
Things that still need some work:
- Importing followers: Waiting for update to API. It works somewhat now though
- Navigation
- Making the site "look better"